Online Testing

360 Degree Aassessments
Professional and Managerial Selection
Coaching and Leadership Development
Personality and Personal Skill Assessment
Team and Organizational Development
Career and Vocational Exploration
Job Analysis Tools
Intuitive Intelligence Development
Pre-Employment Screening
Employee Retention
Succession Planning & Reorganizations
Communication Development
Board Development

Through our partnership with SkillsOne, we are able to offer you world-class assessments with the convenience of online processing
Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator Family of Assessments:

Work Engagement Profile - (click for a sample)
When the right conditions are in place, each of the steps in the self-management process can give you an intrinsic reward—a positive boost of energy that you get directly from your work that motivates you to keep performing at your best. The Work Engagement Profile measures these intrinsic rewards.
Interest Skills Checklist - (click for a sample)
The six types that show up in the Interest Skills Checklist are based on psychologist John Holland`s theory of career choice (1992), one of the most widely researched and recognized theories of career behavior. The Career Types within each category reflect your patterns of interests and skills.
Work/Life Values - (click for a sample)
Your results from the Work/Life Values Checklist should help you sort out what is important in both your work and your life. You can use these results to find out why a current job is not satisfying-- why you may feel burned out--or to help you evaluate different career and life choices.
Coping Resources Inventory - (click for a sample)
The Coping Resources Inventory (CRI) tells you about resources you have that can help you handle the stress that is a natural part of life.


This 7 part report, with up to 92% accuracy,
identifies 76 different traits and behavioral competencies which are used for:

  • Leadership identification
  • Succession planning
  • Team cohesion & troubleshooting
  • Individual awareness and accountability
  • Provides individual development plans used in succession planning & career mapping
  • Identifies hidden roadblocks to any team endeavor.
  • Harrison Inner View report samples

    Sections 1-7: (click to view)
  • Section 1 Summary and Overview
  • Section 2 Main Report with 9 Behavioral Dimensions
  • Section 3 How to Manage this Employee
  • Section 4 Main Graph and 76 Trait Hierarchy
  • Section 5 Work Preferences Graph Tasking-Interests-Environment
  • Section 6 Career Development Action Plan
  • Section 7 Job Suitability Graphs- Is this the right person for the job?
  • Section 8: (click to view)
  • Section 8: 12 Behavioral Dimensions that identify an imbalance in employee capability, limiting their contribution and productivity to the organization.
    Opinions Decisions Strategic Thinking
    Self Esteem Motivation Driving
    Communication Innovation Delegation
    Empowerment Organizational Ability Strategic Acumen