Performance Improvement / Coaching
RELATIONSHIPWe never abandon the idea that each employee has unlimited potential. We arrive to work with one or five hundred with that core belief intact. It is what makes us successful. It is the reason we are remembered and called for by name years after we have worked with a company.
WORLD-CLASSWhen we connect with our clients, it is a long term relationship. We provide the support for short term coaching and long term transitions. We offer targeted performance coaching as well as “specialized” coaching.
The assessments we use are world class. They provide a 91% validity/reliability for us as we work with client behavior. We offer on-line options for assessments which minimize your processing time and provide unparalleled convenience. Employees can take our assessments when it is convenient for them.
RESULTS Our style gets results- we are tough, but supportive. We listen more deeply than many employees have ever been listened to before.
We are trained to identify patterns in individual behavior which are then connected to the larger patterns in the organization.
Once a dysfunctional pattern is identified, we can begin the transformation - at both the individual and organizational level.